Thursday, December 11, 2008
Joy ! Joy ! Joy !
Anyway, not many has signed up recently so it will be a one night caroling event for all of us. A bit dissapointed but oh well, whatever we got's best we cherish ! Lols ! Dance practises has been a bit tiring but verrry happy to be doing it with others lah ! Hahahaha. Pat's back so yea. buck up ppl ! Lols. We're all enjoying this season and oh yea ! CAMP'S COMING THIS SUNDAY ! CANT WAIT ! TILL MY NEXT UPDATE. BYE !
Monday, November 24, 2008
DEEPEST APOLOGY ended like a week ago i assume and yikes IM SO GONNA MISS IT ! Haha.Being form 2 was SWEEEEETTT..But anyways, Im really glad i manage to maintain being at A1 next year. I worked hard actually. Something I never realised I had in me. Lolss.But of course.Cud have done much betterr..Anywaaayy ! Im here NEXT YEAR ! YAY YAY YAY ! Lolsss.
Church has been awesome recently.Loads of caroling,choir and dance practise.Very very busy !! Lols. Besides, I've got ntg to do at home.PUHHLEASEE ! Im in choir for musical just so u knw. Damn, have u heard Charles Ling & Anthony Ling sing ? Darn it.When they sing "HALLELUJAH".Im like JEEEZZZZ !! Hahhaa.But i manage to cope with it lah although I need alot of good voice training. Caroling has been off da hook usual. It brings u the bits n bits of christmas joy ya knw ! Jeez, sad u wont be here to celeb wid me. But anyway ! Tk care there you siaoted but loveable sis ! Musical dance has been major nowadays with the practises just splashing at me like that. Lord jesus ! Help ME !!!..argh..Anyway,let us all enjoy this holiday season,arite ?!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Shuwen's Birthday Outing 08
This was the LingBena steak I had at fullpan.YES,Lingbena steak.Her dad's close to the Fullpan's manager.How cool huh ? If it was me..Ivansteak ? LooLoo steak ? LYK DREAM ON DUDE !
Lols..Anyway !! Eugene was there and Shu was all delighted ! I told u he wud come right ?!! See,thanks to me ! He came..lols...Im such a darling,aint I ? Anyway.That's basically it.And since so many of us came. We had a very hard time counting the bill ! Lols.We spent like idk..15 minutes counting ? I mean..I came to eat not do Maths ! Hahahaha.
Lalalalalalal.Neways Shuwen..HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY ! Wish you all the best,kaes ?!! Geez,arent we all just growing up FAST !!
So we hatta go back and in the end only Charles,Me,Ken left waiting for our parents lors.Us with our shoes.Hahah.
Charles,Me,Ken !!! And Ken was wearing his "FASHIONABLE" school shoes ! Hahaha.How inovative,eh ?
Dats all peeps.Tc and gabyes !
Monday, October 6, 2008
I'm in Rush Hour!!!!!!!!!!!
I've only accomplished Sej and Geo form 2 but honestly all is going out because I simply tak boleh absorb all those worthless facts.Especially Geography.It's killing alot of us.Lolss..
KH only 1 chapter i did..Science 2 chapter nia..Seni..zilt :)))...Moral..havent started..Sivik..aah,wtf..!!!
See,horrible right ? Aah,bambo bambo bambo..
I just recently invited Eugene for a swim at Perak river to maintain our sterility.Didn't you know swimming in water without pants on will help in your fertility.It keeps ALL SYSTEMS RUNNING,lol ! Put in a scientific perspective,wont u ppl ? Dont be SENGET mah ! *shakes head*
Lols..and Eug said C FIRST AS IF !!! Hahaha..Honestly,i've got alot of good times during kindergarden and after being drifted apart for a horrifying long period.Im catching up lah with him.He's really cranky and funny man ! Lols..
No wonder that someone is INLOVE..he's got CHARACTER,man.And Rq Nadal,you suck !!!
I love banana' you ??
Gotta run,gabyes.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
jana !!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
After that,we walked to Pizza Hut again and there many people there already so we settled and handed over our present and sat down to feast.We had loads of stuff.Tuna,Royal Masala..or is it Malasa ? Wtfff..bread stick and those other usual stuffs..
Later.We decided it would be a great idea to catch a movie.We were finding it a hard time to choose between Death Race and Meet Dave.But,we all thought Meed Dave would be a good laugh so we all walked there lorhs.15 of us, ya know ?
It felt like a ROMBONGAN.Weird as it can be.Anyway,we got there and found out Meet Dave was at 1.00 and it was 3.00 just now.So,we said..hey,lets go for Deathrace which was 3.00.And therefore,we got 14 tickets and got in.I still have that long list of tickets.Hahahaha..So,we got in very unorganized.There were some of them who were so noisy,seriously.Wouldnt want to BAD MOUTH em' but..anyway,u guys seem like u guys have never been to a cinema before !!!! Hahaha.Sorryy..
But,the show was an awesome one,i gotta give it to them.But it's not for everyone anyway.People who wont mind feasting their eyes to a little aggresion and killing scences would find it amusing.
Shud really try watching it.I've been watching A LOT of movies recently and my next one would be High School Musical 3.
Well,basically.My sister who had just completed her UPSR is lyk UBER-FREE now.So,she is calling some of her friends to watch it with her this coming OCTOBER.So,im just some form of companion to all of those girls.Anyway,i think Shuwen is coming too,right ? So at least,it wouldnt be too dodgy for me.Lols.
Oh oh.And I heard that Brad Pitt and A Jolie has donated U$ 1 million to some fund raising campaign thingy in Zimbabwe.Woah,look at that..
Anyway..stay close with my blog,arites ? Tc and gabyes.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
New Delights..

An awesome combination of music-talent,looks,charisma and their love for music.Gawwsh, me PERSONALLY.their song has so totally changed music.Their songs like Burning Up,Play My Music,When You Look Me In The Eye,Year 3000,Just a little Bit Longer...these songs say alot of things you know. Well..they've actually been around for good period of time it was just a matter of time that they were going to be noticed.One thing I realise about this awesome band is their coordination when they perform on stage.They just let music take the way and use them in it's OWN liking. Kevin,the one who plays the string is an example of a true and genuine lover of music..Nick and Joe.Both possesses a certain particular style of their own that attracts girls and suprisingly the one of the same gender.I mean,not sexually..but it's their way of heating things up on stage that makes a guy even fascinate em'.U catch me ? So,yeaa..I mean..if u arent really an ardent fan of the Jonas Brothers.Give them a shot to change music for you,okayy ? At least I know it has to me.
Oh yea.Did you know its so so advisable to really really clean ur toothbrush thoroughly everytime u use it.I mean,most people are so ignorant that they just brush it off with some water and let it there.Because research proves that 80% of bacteria comes from YOUR TOOTHBRUSH.Not those on your teeth..So,yea..just some dumb tip for u TEETH CLEANERS !!! LMAOssss..And jamie loo ! Somehow..I miss you lots.It's shame u wont be making it back to Msia this time around..*sniff sniff* Anyhow.To my blog readers,take care and have an excellent weekend.Gabyes..
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Sensation of "Shuffling"

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Oh I Don't Know.
Monday, September 1, 2008
WOW Nite
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
teehee..that children's book thingy there and the number 9 ( it means 9/10 , k ! ) Not 9 years and above cuz thats jux WRONG ! Haha Anyway,during the time at Jusco also had time to makan-makan at food court.I had this wonderful peanut pancake.Exquisite !! ( oh i drank ice lemon tea )
Before going back.we discovered it was right ? Dad had to hurried out to get the car.Lolx !!
Boy,it was a mess getting in the car.Obviously wet but made it =D PHEWWW''...
Well,Ipoh was indeed something. So this is just another update.
Another thing is WOW NIGHT is on the 30th Of August.This Saturday at 7.30 until 11.00.It's a c oncert of those teens like me from this church performing worship songs.It will be a great time for worship for all those christians and for the nons.I tell u wad,give christ A SHOT,wud ya ? Pls,come and come.Support me and friends even if u dont expect anything from this event,k ? God Bless and expecting to see packs of ppl there..heeee :)) GABYES.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Places I Love.
Our weekly imyf meetings are usually held in here.Practises 4 WOW Night have been held here.So,it's place with some sentimental value.tsk tsk.LOL. Ah,'s been 10 months that I have been actively participating and attending various talks,sessions,camps etc.I can say that I've learned alot as has been somewhere that I am able to relax those tired muscles and brain cells.It's nice being alone at church once in awhile.If u guys are come this church,try it out sumday.Trust releases the stress a little. Oh,moving on...............................
I went out to eat with Channin's motor.Outside only wadd.He drive quite fast actually well,not too long after that Alvin arrived and so we got to some practise.But the sad thing is,alvin was the first to come and the first to go back home too.So,no one came.But i had quite a time jamming with the Form 4's.HIT THE NOTES,is their group name.Hehehe.. They were playing these two songs.------TESTIFY-------- ------CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU---
Im not too sure about the second song's title,actually..hahahahaha. Anyway,they are a bunch of excellent musicians so i wish them all the best ! Teehee ..:))))
One more thing,u know the can drink SHANDY ?? Yea,the drink with a little of alcohol but much much more of LEMON.Hahahahaha..Yea,it's out with a new flavour now.APPLE addition.Not bad actually,u know. Lol,anyway..Megan fetching me to church l8r at night.I cant wait to see the progression of Dennis' drama practise.It's gonna be some good laughing exp to be collected. Right,tk care all.Gabyes.
Latest Movie Report.
Sry,it's a little cacat cuz of it's positioning.But anyway..before the movie.
Went to the washroom and did a little CAMWHORING..
Hahaha..silly silly us..
Anyway,movie was okayy.From my perpective,i thought Wall.E edged Star Wars a little.Star Wars' graphic wasnt really good to be perfectly honest but the storyline was okayy larh.It's about a battle between two parties.The group of Jedi's are the good one ( they're in the republic ).And one of them is Skywalker.AwesomeLY cool guy.Tell u guys,if i were as cool as this guy i wouldnt have to be living & eating hor fan or kiam chai no more.Lols.
Well,basically.It's a good show lah.Wasnt really expecting TOO MUCH.Satisfied in other words.It wouldnt be a waste of time to watch it guys,especially the holidays are wrapping up rapidly.Omgawsh..few more days only and my folio has to be completed.*no worries* :))))
Anyway,check it out,right ? Tk care
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Holiday Happenings..^_^
Now,concerning WOW Night..We're doing pretty fine at this point.Playing absolutely satisfactory music and all have been quite co-operative.Hahax.
And ummmm,today...Kenny,Jae,Chee,Charles came to my house to do sum discussion about Geography Folio.With the help of mum,I found it absolutely easy to handle this folio..haha.
I think by Friday or tmr can 'gou dim' d..hehe..We're doing the topic "PETEMPATAN"
Guess one of my advantage is having my mum being a Geo teacher.Make things much easier for me.Hehex..helped Charlie a little with it then we played Ping Pong and Badminton..
Hahahaa,,we were playing King of The Table..Chee totally dominated.We were like flash and go.
Lolxxx..We called ourselves King of Congo ( Kenn ) ,King of Japan ( Jae ),King of Nigeria ( Charlie ) and King Of Korea ( Ivan )..Chee was King Of Outer Space ( who camed here with Monkey Airlines..)
And then,they all balik rumah lorhs,cuz wanna go church d for WOW Night Practise.hahaxx
I got there..makan with chee for awhile cuz we were quite early aden i went first lorh,cuz i saw Nely came d..hahahaha..
Then went inside..straight away practise King Of Majesty ( this song we all really really good in it,but Megan gave some EXCELLENT , EXCELLENT suggestions that would definitely be a part of or performance so THANK YOU Megan !!! Teehee :)) Came To My Rescue as usual is the shaky one..we're suffering with some problems.Ruth have some issues with the key of the song.
Pity im thinking of subbing the song with Who Am I sung by Casting Crowns..
Heard bout it,guys ? Check it out at youtube or any other music-like webs.
Plus,i can sing that song pweety,haha..give it a shot lorhs !!!
Then after practise..i went down to see Delia's team perform..hahaha..and we were also discussing bout the drama Dennis is going to direct.I tell u ah !! This Dennis story got many funny aspects.Funny until no words can describe,wei !!!
Got old man..Chang Jun with guitar fight with gangster la.Seriously stupidddd..hahahaa..
But,he's imagination them CUN !! Hahaha..Im coming with megan to church to see how it's gonna work out with it's first practise..teehee =D
Aden hor..Nely going back alone u know.She wasnt cycling dis time..she was walking.Clinton called me to go budden..i also a little,i asked Kenny to 4llow lo.
Then i used Chew's bike to follow her lorh.Kenny talk so much sed i noob and this and that.
I was like stfu,man !!!
I was keeping a distance marhs.So,dont have to freak her out or something.Hahaha.
So in the end she got back save and sound and then i said Bye and she also said Bye lor.
Then both also smilling lo.Very happy..but taking it slow.It's call PROGRESSION.
Aden..went back to church lor sing few worship songs then come back and here i am..posting bout today's events.=D...Many stuff ritess ? Hahaha
Oh ya,have u guys watched Wall.E ?? Yea,it's a hilarious show..Wall.E is so friggin' cute..
Trust me,Wall.E is so romantic u know..go and watch aden u will comprehend what im blabbing here..hahaha..
I wanna watch Star Wars:The Clone Wars..mum going there one day of this week.Calling they all go with me too..teehee..
Rite,guess that's my days event larhs.Gtg now.Kip In Touch.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Part 2-Nelycia's Birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NELYCIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow.Boy o' boy..its been so long and finally it has been celebrated and over.
All those money collected past few months were all worth it,man !!
Jeez,i can still rmbr the smile on her face.It's as if it's unerasable..hahaha
Well,this has been a plan we've been planning for months ( i came up with it )
and thanks to Ruthie and Jessy plus some other good fella's..this party worked out.
Hahaha..I had to walk all the way from Taman Bunga Raya to Wonderful Gift with Jessy to buy the teddy bear i've been longing to give her.Compared to my last year's pen that i gave her as a present.This time it was a much much much more meaningful one ( came from the bottom of my heart ) =D..
Dunwan,tell u guys more bout it's features.Hahaha..
But i can tell u wad i bought on the behalf of jae rwen n kenny..
this little octopus thingy.Very cute twinggling legs all around..hahahahaha
Then had to stop by 7 Eleven buy drinks then must go church ambik beg cuz i left it there due to my absent-mindedsy
Then when we reached home,others were there AND NELYCIA LOOKED VERY HAPPY THEN..
These were the few pics
As u can see,Nicole came as well..=D..Tzanks to me and Jae R, Chee can enjoy..teehee
Oh,and i have a new nick name for's Coco !! Hahaahah Apparently,Jessy was tired..didnt wanna tk pics yet.Maybe she's jz shy.'s the BIRTHDAY GIRL !!
The YUMMY cake Jessy bought from Secret Recipe.( It was seriously good )
Part 1-ELS Night
Lol,couple of the night..Tze Pei and Prashan.
Viveek going wild with his tie ^____^
Me and shuwen lorhs..she looked great dat night.haha
Jae r and me !!!
I did my fair part of dancing.Yuges was insisting and persisting that i danced.I was like..uhh,okayy.
Hey,i dance pretty good,kaes..haha
ANyway,people were really in da mood and most of the indians and punjabi's were dancing their heads off.My gang prefered to be modest and not FLAUNT too much of our breathtaking skills.
Cuz we would have OVERSHADOWED em'..lols
Well,every1 was tired...took a group pic ( BUT I DUN HAVE IT,IN SHU'S CAM )
Then go home liao lorhs..
In the car-as u can see the exhausted Elain.Haha.
Shuwen pretending to be energetic when she was tired.lols..
Well,we had our share of good times lah.Hoped they all enjoyed this night especially the form 1's.
At least,as President now..i can be at peace..teehee =D
It was a great night but it was meaningless cuz she wasnt there..
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Drama At School.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Wow.Els Night is so darn close d....and i still havent figured out wad to wear la,wei !! Well,i remembered Kiaos Tan having to do a speech last year as President.I really hope i don't have to.Lolx !!!!
Many people have been asking me,is this sum kind of Prom Night where u have to find a couple.Dude and dudesly,cmon..i hate repeating the same things over and over again,it's not going to be one.We'll just go there and eat and have some good time with the music and all,aites ??? Man,i sure hope she's coming !!! Ahahahaha..i mean,whu wudn't,rite ?
Hey,i wanna watch Wall.E !! They say it's a Rated A show at the States ( US ).
So,i'm really looking so forward to watch it.Well,i guess the only disadvantage in the show would be where Wall.E cannot only talk to us through his mind.Hahahaha.No speaking robot this time.But,i cant wait !!! It's coming out tomorrow !! 14th August.I might be going on Fri with friends or maybe my family lorhs...=D
And btw,have any of u watch The Mummy:Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor.
Not bad,wei...
Seriously rocking show..thou' many people classified it as a poor version of Indiano Jones ( even Indiano Jones wasn't really nice,how cud ya guys !! tsk tsk )
Trust me,even if u don't.Wouldn't u just give this show a chance.I liked it and so did Kenny.
It's about a this seriously cruel emperor that would do almost ANYTHING and to banish ANYTHING infront of him that is againts his will to rule the world.He then realised that he had too many things to do in one lifetime therefore sort out miracles to be immortal.He then discovered a witch ( acted by my relative Mic Yeoh =D ) who was known to be able to do such things.And so,through the times she was studying and sorting out this almost impossible will for someone to live for eternity.And she was always guarded by the emperor's general.
They had some really intimate relationship and that truly angered the emperor.The witch laid a curse on the emperor and all his thousands of armies after they tortured and killed the general,the witches love.
After thousands of years later.Alex O'Connel the son of Rick O'Connel ( Branden Fraser )
dropped out of school without his parents knowledge and went on digging such artifacts and stuff.And when he came across the greatest artifact ever discovered.Things would change 4 his whole family.
They went on a great adventure to finish and to put an end to the emperor's immortality who rised up from the curse.And through the adventures and battles.Alex encoutered the daughter of the witch and the general and both of them fell inlove during the various exhilariting fights.
This adventure also brought the whole Connel family closer to each other especially Father and Son. =D
Well,this show really rocked my day and i hope it does the same to u larhs !!!! =D
Well,im currently awaiting a chance to buy some novels.Last novel was okayy but that was finished a long time ago.Hahahaha.MPH,me want go !!!!
I got my shaggy dog dvd back finally from Sarah.Hahahahaha.
Well,i gotta go now plus my maths homework havent completed yet.Not to worry.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Pref Night and the MANY EVENTS !!
Personally,i am assured that this will be much more fun compared to the 5 minute 'time to party' we were provided during Prefect Night.For me,i killed those 5 minutes.Looking at some dumb guy shuffling for like 1 minute or so and looking at chee n nicole departing from each other !!!!! Hahahahahaha..
Sad sad,prefect night didn't take any photos.I like CHARGED my bloody camera for about an 1hour and 15 minutes and i forgotten to take it to the event cause i was rushing plus i had a last minute news that i had to fetch Ravina on my Mercedes.K,my dad's mercedes precisely !!!! =D
Anyway,prefect night was okayy overall.There were portion of times when i saw the word boring spelt everywhere.Sometimes,the atmosphere rises.Like when this time,the form 6's were giving their performances.
Hahahaha,AFIQ jadi pondan !!!!! Sadly,i didnt take any pictures of it ( cuz i didnt bring cam.tsk tsk. )
But anyway,i thought the summit of the whole event was when the form 3's stepped out to perform.
They were doing this sketch called something like "Prefect Got Talent"..copyWRONGED from the show "America Got Talent".Hahahaa..
And uhhh,Ashpal jadi Simon MADcowell , Michelle Wong turn out to be the sweet Paula Abdul and yea,Ashpal was playing another carac which was indeed DA DOG'..Randy Jackssssssoonnn !! Wooh !!
Lol,seriously hilarious.Lazy to tell the whole story but honestly,their drama knocked the heck out of my head.=D
So,thumbs up to them for pulling out a tremendously great performance !!!!!
Well,currently..WOW Night's audition is like on Monday and we're like just bout 40-50% to the OKAY level i'm hopping for.
And p.s.-(For those who hasnt realise what WOW Night is all about.It's a night where members of the Wesley MEthodist Youth form out a few teams to perform and to worship God with some knockout songs..
It ain't NO competition,anyway !! It's just some performances from some of us larhss )
Well,my team RockDSolid are playing Came TO My Rescue and King Of Majesty !!! We're so pumped up now,well at least i am but goodness,i just hope Chee can handle his bass abilities.Not like im underestimating him but a week to learn two songs is SI BEH SUSAH,k !!!! All the best,chee ! Im counting on ya !
And oh oh yea,one more BIGGY.ELS Night approaching.This Saturday,16th August !! Me can't wait.
Have been looking 4ward to this recently and umm,finally it's working out ! Heeeeeeeee : )))
Hoping that some of my fella's will be coming too ! Shuwen,Jessy,Jae,Chee,Charles,Ruth !! NELYCIA PLEASE GO !!!!! =D Yes,please do come.
Haha,have been talking pleasently alot with her lately,and am delighted with it.Ahakz !!! She seems to be the same too..hahahaah
Anyway,theory exam is around the corner and well,i think so far,it's okayy.Though i havent studied any of the italian terms except for some of those i am fond of.
Wells,lets hope 4 the best !!!
Plus,i got a feeling seni this week is gonna suck !
And sometimes,i have been having this weird mood swings.Like now,suddenly i feel so stressed out.
Neways,thats all.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
An Ending To A Great Misery =D
The time has indeed arrived ! To praise and THANK THE LORD for selaras tiga is OFFICIALLY
dead.lolx...very happy ending anyway...
Second day of Selaras report :-
*English-I saw an A on my answer sheet even before i started ( lolx )
*P.Moral-Big potential for an A.
*Science-Did my best.Love the topic i had to study.So far the best topic i've studied
*Sej-Hardest of the day but still do-ABLE.
It's been all a bit stressful so far la.But the thing that scares me the most are other road i HAVE to take in future.Route form 3,form 4 and form 5.Another 3 scary years until i reach the highway.Where would i wanna turn ( which course wud i wanna venture in )
BIG QUESTIONS to be answered.Nowadays,time flies in a blink of an eye.It's working every second and once u know it.Im sitting on the table ready for SPM.Lolx,that's like 3 years from now.But 3 years is like 3 simple steps until THEN.
Lol.u know wad ? I think i should just CHILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAXXXXX
Anyway.W.O.W Night is coming soon and we the RockDSolids are struggling with our song choices.Initally the chosen ones were Consuming Fire and King Of Majesty.Both denial by Megan Kong for these songs have been played in our weekly youth meetings.And i can respect her decision that she wants us to expose songs we seldom here.There are actually many beautiful songs we dun get to perform in youth.Namely ------
a)Came To My Rescue-Hillsong
b)Living For-P Shakers
c)Open The Eyes of My Heart-Sonicflood
d)God Above-Hillsong
e)Reflector-P Shakers...
Bottom line....................................LOTS OF EM'...................................
Well,im currently looking on One Way and Came To The Rescue as subs to the initial songs we chose !!!!
Another thing is Tan Chuan Sheng from my youth plays ROCKIN COOL music with the guitar.I wanna ask him to come and guide us and if possible play for us considering his amazing talents with the strings !!!!!!
RockDSolid seems to be a pretttyy weird name though.
Im thinking of the name CLIMATE,CLIMATEM ???? ULDIMATE ( ULTIMATE )
Any cool ideas wud be much appreciated...............
GTG NW.tmr got first practise with the whole team.hoping 4 da best !!!
Aites,gabyes !!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
But you know what ? I dont mind that at all. =D
Well,basically.Selaras Tiga is here and after the few weeks of studying i think im doing okayy.
I really hope so,alth0ugh i hafta really admit there were times i prefered laying down then reading abc-s.
Well,today..6th of August was officially the first day of SELARAS TIGA.The subjects that we were being tested today were BAHASA MELAYU,MATHEMATICS,KEMAHIRAN HIDUP and lastly gEOGRaphy !!!!!
Well,the few subjects i favoured today was BM and Geography.Never really found interest in Maths and KH.
There are my personal reviews on how i faired :-
BM-Good try i guess.I never really study BM de..
Maths-All a bit shaky.Not my best
Kemahiran-Easy peast
Geography-Did pretty well i guess.Many people sed they will get B but i have the slightest CONFIDENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea,confidence.Something i lacked during mid year and that explains some of the lousy results but indeed making up to it !!!
Today i will be having BI,Sej,Science and Moral.
Wells,BI is my FORTE so no worries on that
Sejarah,all done and just some polishing to do.
Science,only thing that i havent really made REAL EFFORT yet but WATER AND SOLUTION mua' can do !! =D
Moral,i've always gotten 90+ this year so it's looking pretty gud =D
On Monday,my mum taught me about the interesting facts of Geography.I used to hate it and never really paid real attention to it.But now,i'm starting to see the amount of gold u can get behind the doors of GEOGRAPHY
My mum said Geography is living around you and it's actually pretty true like the land we stand on.It's TANAH PAMAH !! C,i told u we're living within GEOGRAPHY !! =D
Well,studies are looking pretty awesome for the meantime.And am happy about it.Tuition has been a wonderful push to excellence in academics.So yea,things lookin good and all.
Oh wells,i hafta go now and get my BEAUTY DINNER.
Lolx.Mmmmm..I smell curry !!!!!!!!
Gabyes =D
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Anyway,there's this boyband.Seriously awesome guys with awesome voices !!
DBSK..Now,dun get me wrong,I'm not gay,aite!
And their dance are seriously,of the hook !
Plus,we might be performing dis song 4 prefect nite,ahakz ! Hopefully we can pull it off ~
Gabyes !
Monday, July 21, 2008
Han Chae Young is sizzling hawt !

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sunday Morning !
It's always dull , a little depressing ! Haha.It's probably the time to think through stuff we never had the time to ponder on,cha' know ?
Haizz,it's pretty hard to focus on studying on Sunday's,too ! Yea,call me 'kiasu' and all but i dont care !
Hm,this next few weeks would be a heck of a hectic one ! I'm really eager to get on with the ELS Junior Night and I wanna combine with the morning session's but no offence,I thought afternoon session's society was dead.But really..cmon man.Well,if it doesnt happen,we afternoon session have just got to handle it ourselves.I'm excited to see how some of our enthusiastic members are gonna perform !! Oh,and plus !! The ELS trip.We're going to Penang this time but Puan Rosnah,please call the agency soon ! There's no time to waste !!!
And besides,there are people who birthday's are coming soon too ! And i am counting the days ! Haha,I've got a BIG BIG plan for that someone and really am working my very best on it !
Crap,i've kinda lost track with all the recent movies.Latest movie I watched was Indiano Jones and yea,from my perspective ! That was FRIGGIN AGES AGO !!!!! Mum sed wanna watch Hellboy:The Golden Army this week and u guys can tag along as well ! And after that,i'm planning to watch The Dark Night with some of u guys as well ! These are the two movies I'm targeting at this point !! As much as i wanna watch movies like Get Smart and Wanted.I can only come to terms with two lah.At least,that's what my mum stated ! Plus,cinema needs money,aite !!
I've been watching some old movies as well that I didn't had the chance to watch before in AXN,Astro ! Movies like Hitch and Pink Panther ! Have u guys watched Pink Panther before ?! Man,this show can totally knock your head off and make u insane forEVER ! Seriously !!!!
If u guys havent watched this show yet,try downloading it in the net or sumfin,aite ?!!!!
Well,i gotta go now.Gotta get ready for lunch !!
Keep in touch people ! Bye !
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Anyways,daily report about yesterday's events.It was a Thursday ! Started of pretty boring and all with Patrick's tuition!! HAd to call my dad to fetch me back cuz Cheeezy apparently had to go to market n fetch her sister so..i reli didn't wanna be a burden !
Den,went to skul lahs ! Maths was pretty kewl cuz we learn bout loci ( losai which sounded like LOU SAI ! ) Lolx ! And there was dis one time,Mr.Tan drew a reli reli reli LAUGH MY ASS OF picture !! Guys from my class,remember ?!!
Then,went on normal lo ! Sej was kind of a free period cuz teacher asked to to KEMASKINI our sejarah nota but i thought she was just lazy,reli ! But,wth cares..i had a gud time with my friends neways ! Woah..10.25 am d..nvm,still got tym !
Yea,and during KH..Huai Jiann n Teck Keong they all,went cuckhoo with band.They were marching and during the formation in class.Came in Nizam too ! Three trumpet idiots ! Lawl !
But,reli..Band is EXCELLENT ! I really wanna join but the only obstacle infront is two huge figures ! Mum and Dad ! Darn it.Pray 4 me guys,its A DREAM ! And jamie loo,please talk to mum ! She listens to u ! They say i don't hafta time but reli,i reli reli reli am interested ! I will be commited ( i hope )
Well,moving on ! There was Ong later at nite ! Boring also lah ! NOtes and Notes and NOtes nia.
After,dat..went home watch tv and then had my beauty sleep !
This morning went for tennis,walaoeh ! Rocking fun ! Had to run so far behind and hit the ball from waist height ! Mr.Lee was really encouraging ! Thx !
Well,time now is 10.29.Hafta bath la ! 11.00 got bible study at church ! Gtg guys ! Catch up with my SURE TO BE CONSISTENT blog,kaes ?!!! Plus,shuwen ! I relix100 need ur help with the blog's design n all !
Ciao !!