I don't know..I look around in school and all I see is shuffling. Well.basically..downstairs where form 1's are normally.There aren't much of them upstairs.Although I've got to admit the more talented ones are upstairs.The form 2's.*laughs laughs* Well,i think the art of shuffling has been kinda contaminated.These are the pros...

But honestly some sicko's at school have made it look really ugly.Some of them are brave enough to put it up on Youtube.If there's any award for them to win it might be the Most Thick-Faced Shuffler. Weird.Calling them shufflers ain't right,u know.But i know some who are really good in it.Pei Sheong and Damoderan from my school are pretty talented u know.Just an extra few more years of good training.It can take them somewhere...Most of us must have heard of our shuffle maestro Eow Dick Shern..omgoodness.I really didnt want to say this but..PLZ,STOP SHUFFLING !! And thank goodness,he has..He was sort of doing the advanced version of the
CHICKEN DANCE !! And look,once u embarresed urself infront of everyone.They'll remember u for life..cause nowadays,people only acknowledge ur weaknesses and your sucky moments.For example,ME !!!!! Anyway,i can understand the sensation of shuffling but i think it has taken over a little too much of some people e.g. JONATHAN ANGGAT. Shuffling is a cool art form of hip hop dance but it is getting on my nerve , i dont know why.Its my problem anyway.. And one more thing that's taken over alot of people in my class and many other classes as well.COINS !!! Damn it..they use them to shoot each other's coin.The worst thing is they use my desk to play em' and it's driving me crazy.Im considerate enough not to report this stupid game to Mr.See.But if this gets over the board,it leaves me with no alternatives. Oh well.I really should be doing some studying now.Exams nearby.Cheers and Gabyess !!
Wee! go Ivan! *laughing crazilly*
I support you 500%... cause i hate those ppl shuffling at school... there's once a guy 'shuffling backwards' and hit me cause he wasn't looking where he was going...curse him...
yes yes !! u see..u see..
It proves me right.And he was shuffling backwards ? U see..even amatuer shufflers prefer to be blind bats.How pathetic of them.
*nods* please lah... what for shuffle at school? just go shuffle somewhere else....
No.better not shuffle at all.It's a headache.And hey,i've got the cbox all done d. :)
n shuffle is sucks
unless they are all handsome guys :D
i hate it wen KRS all the malay gals shuffling
got gal shuffling ? Malay de..
ewwww...yucks yucks.Utterly disgraceful to SHUFFLING.
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