Well,this is an update indeed.But an update about something that happened sometime ago.Btw,do you guys now the meaning of 'humdum','allegory','privy','opulent','condone' ?? Lolx,my vocab have been improving rapidly since i bought that book.Seriously,good book.It's called " SKULLDUGGERY PLEASENT"Yea,it's a weird topic.It's a name of that guy.Detective,sworn enemy of evil and oh yea..DEAD..Many people have been wanting to lend this book from me.Well,guys..I'm taking my time to read it..so want it ? Be patient. Anyway.I bought this book from MPH during a recent trip to Ipoh wift my family.Main reason was to pay my maternal grandmother a visit after sometime.She looks pretty healthy actually.=D Aaaaannyyway,after the visit at Becham,Ipoh.Me and my family proceeded to Jusco.That old place we always go during trips to Ipoh.Well,what can I say.We don't have a SHOPPING MALL back here at Sitiawan accept for this dodgy looking NOT SO GIGANTIC "Giant".Hahaha..Anyway,i bought shirts at Jusco.Not bad actually
This is the book I bought.
teehee..that children's book thingy there and the number 9 ( it means 9/10 , k ! ) Not 9 years and above cuz thats jux WRONG ! Haha Anyway,during the time at Jusco also had time to makan-makan at food court.I had this wonderful peanut pancake.Exquisite !! ( oh i drank ice lemon tea )
Before going back.we discovered it was raining.wtf right ? Dad had to hurried out to get the car.Lolx !!
Boy,it was a mess getting in the car.Obviously wet but made it =D PHEWWW''...
Well,Ipoh was indeed something. So this is just another update.
Another thing is WOW NIGHT is on the 30th Of August.This Saturday at 7.30 until 11.00.It's a c oncert of those teens like me from this church performing worship songs.It will be a great time for worship for all those christians and for the nons.I tell u wad,give christ A SHOT,wud ya ? Pls,come and come.Support me and friends even if u dont expect anything from this event,k ? God Bless and expecting to see packs of ppl there..heeee :)) GABYES.
1 comment:
The hamsterie mojo jojo~~!!!
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